Affirmations for Mothers
❤ I am an inspiring role model to my children ❤ I see the best in my child ❤ I am fulfilling the greatest calling in the universe ❤ I have peace of mind whatever is going on around me ❤ All I need comes to me easily and effortlessly ❤ I am grateful and enjoy every day ❤ My children are doing their best ❤ I mother from my calm inner center ❤ I am exactly what my child needs ❤ The whole world is on my side ❤ I let my child feel all of their feelings ❤ I allow my child to learn from life's difficulties ❤ I make a difference in the child at a time ❤ I am fit and invigorated ❤ I am patient ❤ I hear my child ❤ I see peace ❤ I am worthy of my children's love ❤ I inspire my child ❤ I am the best mother I can be ❤ My child is alright exactly as he/she is ❤ Whatever is going on in my child's life is for his/her Higher Good ❤ I am always in the right place doing the right t...